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Bingkisan yang disegel Fetish Art

publish di Suave Magazine "Festish Issue" 2012

Sore itu Saya menelusuri salah satu jalanan di Kota Bandung, hampir sepanjang 50 meter, jalanan dekat Gedung Merdeka itu memajang menu-menu menarik, ribuan majalah luar biasa dengan bonus debu dan bau khas dari majalah bekas. Tapi tidak sedikit Saya menemukan ratusan buku bahkan majalah kondisi baru. Berhasil ‘menyelam’ dengan panorama tema yang indah ditumpukkan majalah-majalah tersebut, Saya menemukan istilah ‘Fetish Art’ dengan kerutan di dahi dan senyuman penasaran, bergegas Saya membungkus beberapa buku dan majalah sambil tidak sabar untuk melihat tekstur ‘Fetish Art’.


Ditemani teh hangat dan Willamette album Always in Postscripst untuk membuka bungkusan pertama ‘Fetish Art’, bahwa Fetish Art merupakan bagian dari arena creative works yang menggambarkan manusia dalam keadaan ‘fetishistic’ seperti bondage, BDSM, transvestism, domination/submission scenarios atau kombinasi di antaranya, tapi bisa juga untuk arena kondisi lainnya (yang tentu saja dengan karakter yang serupa).

Banyak sekali karya-karya klasik tahun 1940-an, 50-an dan 60-an yang bagi beberapa media disebut juga sebagai era fetish, di mana ada istilah ‘Fetish Artist’ seperti Eric Stanton dan Gene Bilbrew yang pernah bekerja di sebuah perusahaan film dan photography milik Irving Klaw yang mungkin mereka adalah salah satu orang yang menjadi referensi dari istilah ‘Fetish Art’. Saya mencoba menelusuri perusahaan itu dan Saya menemukan nama Movie Star News dan Nutrix milik Irving Klaw.


Bagaimana pun, Irving Klaw sudah dikenal sebagai seseorang yang menjalankan bisnis penjualan foto dan film dengan system mail-order sejak tahun 1940-60-an, dan tentu saja perempuan adalah objeknya, dalam artian model (yang kadang-kadang) bondage. Dari sini lah lahir istilah ‘Fetish Photographers’ and one of his models, Bettis Page menjadi bondage model pertama di dunia yang sangat terkenal. Dalam buku Edward Shorter (2005) yang berjudul “Written in The Flesh: a History of Desire” menuliskan tentang beberapa majalah fetish yang mulai bermunculan, tahun 1954, John Coutts atau sering dikenal dengan nama John Willie adalah salah seorang yang berjasa di Bizarre Magazine yang kemudian lahir lah term ‘Fetish Magazines’ selain itu ada John Sutcliffe dari Atomage Magazine. Pasar dari karakter majalah dengan sajian fetish ini semakin besar, tahun 1970 dan 1980, fetish artist lainnya, Robert Bishop merilis bondage magazines bahkan ada sebuah awarding khusus untuk sebuah creative works di arena fetish art, yaitu SIGNY Award.


Karakter dan struktur seni di arena fetish ini kembali menyebar tidak hanya di film dan fotografi, Joseph W. Slade dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Pornography and Sexual Representation: a Reference Guide” tahun 2001 menjelaskan tentang industry creative works fetish mulai berkembang di media bacaan comic. Beberapa perempuan dengan gaya anggun plus fetish outfits di beberapa bagian comic ternyata mampu menjadi trigger untuk penjualan yang massive, khususnya teenage male comics. Tahun 1950-an, comic di Amerika mulai dijual dengan karakter fetish di bagian cover dan (tentu saja) kontennya, comic-comic tersebut mulai terpajang ‘menarik’ di etalase-etalase toko.


Di tahun yang sama, fetish artist yang mulai terinspirasi dengan karakter fetish kartun, George Petty dan Alberto mulai memasukkan unsur-unsur kartun tersebut sebagai ilustrasi di beberapa majalah seperti Playboy dan Esquire, sampai akhirnya lahirlah sebuah ‘penampakkan’ yang tampak ‘biasa’ hasil dari perkawinan fetish art dengan creative works cartoon, yaitu Catwoman. Lengkap dengan catsuit-wearing, latex dan whip-wielding-nya, Catwoman dianggap sebagai “an icon of fetish art” seperti yang disirat dalam buku “Modern Amazons: Warrior Women on Screen” (2006).


Dalam buku “Soaked!: A Watersports Handbook for Men” tahun 2004 menjelaskan tentang beberapa hal dalam arena fetish yang ditumpahkan ke dalam ranah seni mulai disajikan dengan eksplisit sebagai bagian dari biologis dan sosiologis masyarakat. Tom of Finland, Matt and The Hun adalah beberapa orang (yang tentu saja fetish artist) yang pernah menciptakan karya fetish berupa ‘urine fetishm’ atau istilahnya ‘watersports’. Dari sini Saya kembali membuka bungkusan pertama tentang ‘Fetish Art’ dimana di sana ada istilah ‘fetishistic’ sebuah istilah yang menunjuk jelas terhadap ‘wajah’ sexual fetish. Fetish Art kembali mendapat pilihan baru yang sudah bukan hanya menampilkan objek dengan fetish clothing seperti undergarments, stockings, high heels, corsets atau boots, tetapi sudah secara ekplisit menampilkan objek dengan karakter dominatrix. Wow, apa itu dominatrix? Sebuah kondisi atau adegan dimana perempuan memiliki dominan yang tinggi terhadap aktivitas fetish.


Membaca literature tentang Fetish Art ini Saya dipertemukan dengan banyak arena baru, seperti ‘Erotic Art’ dan mulai penasaran dengan arena pornography dan atau nude-art. Tetapi fetish art lebih memiliki proximity psikologis dengan adrenaline yang menarik, karena batasannya jelas secara psikologis, dan batasannya jelas secara literature yang tersirat dan tersurat. Saya berpikir, mungkin karena factor ini juga ketika mainstream fine artist seperti Allen Jones selalu memasukkan unsur fetish di dalam karyanya. Bahkan artist seperti Hajime Sorayama yang mampu menembus dan menyentuh koleksian di MOMA dan Smithsonian Institute, sama halnya dengan koleksian Fetish Arts di private WEAM Museum.


Membuka bungkusan pertama tentang ‘Fetish Art’ mengingatkan teman Saya di Manila yang memiliki spesialisasi karya fotonya di Fetish Art, dia membuka arena bermain Saya untuk kembali membuka bungkusan lain di Fetish Art, yaitu Fetish Photography, dan siapa saja Fetish Photographer di Indonesia yang Saya tinggalkan. Saya kembali menyeduh teh hangat dan kembali menyusun waktu untuk membuka bungkusan Fetish Photography di Indonesia. Setelah mengumpulkan banyak jurnal dan daftaran beberapa fetish artist, ada kata ‘pornografi’ yang seperti kabut yang mengganggu pembelajaran tentang ini, ada pergerakkan dan serangan dangkal yang masih terjadi di sini, di mana (entah karena factor apa) masih selalu menyudutkan porno dan seolah ada term nude-art yang lahir secara instant. Sudah terlalu malas untuk membedakan dan membatasinya, setelah menikmati ‘Fetish Art’ dari film, fotografi, ilustrasi rasanya menutup literature ini dan memilih menikmati “Video of Rockbitch Performace”.



*dipublish di Suave Magazine, Festish Issue (2012)




Learn Yourself when Travelling Alone

publish di HGL House, 2013

1. Mindset. Yakinin diri lo untuk siap menghadapi apapun yang bakal terjadi selama berpetualang nanti.


2. Self-reliance. Setelah lo yakin, pasti ada tanggung jawab yang tumbuh di diri lo, hal selanjutnya yang perlu lo bangun adalah kemandirian. Lihat petualangan ini sebagai seni, sukacita yang melebihi harta benda duniawi.


3. Independence. Selamat datang di kemerdekaanmu! Sekarang lo berpetualang, semua keputusan ada di tangan lo. Apa yang lo makan, di mana lo tidur, kereta atau bus mana yang akan lo naikin; bebas. No one is stopping you except your hesitation.


4. Likes & Dislikes. Sekarang melalui berbagai tahapan evolusi mental, fisik, emosional, dan pertumbuhan spiritual jiwa petualang

solo lo untuk membagi likes & dislikes. Melangkahlah keluar dari peran dalam masyarakat. Bebaskan semua harapan, gak perlu mikirin jadwal, janji, pertemuan, deadline, proyek-proyek, apalagi ujian. Dalam tahap ini, kenalilah diri lo. Elemen-elemen dalam hidup mana yang paling lo nikmati dan yang lo gak suka.


5. Emotions. Emosi adalah bagian dari totalitas jiwa, pas banget nih dalam petualangan solo ini buat lo merenung.


6. Patterns & Reactions. Melangkah keluar dari rutinitas dan kehidupan sehari-hari membawa visi perjalanan lo ke arah spiritual. Seperti kenikmatan hari, jam, dari menit dan detiknya, yang gak akan pernah kembali lagi. Dengan kesadaran, lo bisa mencegah diri lo jatuh pada kebiasaan lama dan cara-cara hidup lo yang mungkin udah usang. Each new day is our rebirth and each new breath can be as if we are inhaling for the very first time.


7. Past Analyzation. Menganalisis masa lalu bisa banget dijadiin alasan buat lo berpetualang sendirian, dengan ini lo bisa lalui proses penyembuhan diri, dan menganalisis pelajaran-pelajaran kehidupan yang terlupakan, apalagi emosi yang terpendam.


8. Future Dreams. Merasa lebih baik setelah menganalisa masa lalu lo? Pasti. Sekarang, lo bisa ciptain dan bangun masa depan. Future is borderless. Selama petualangan solo ini, lihat masa depan sebagai kanvas kosong, imajinasikan, tulis, gambar, keluarin apapun yang jadi heart desires lo, gak peduli se-selfish atau se-selfless apapun itu. Hey, future is your dreams’ playground.


9. Care for Oneself. Berdamai dan rawatlah diri lo sendiri dulu. Ketika hal ini berhasil, jalan buat berurusan dengan orang lain jadi lebih mudah.


10. How to Love. Pada akhirnya, cinta adalah kuncinya. Melalui petualangan solo, lo berjalan di tol yang menghubungkan hati dan emosional dalam diri lo sendiri. Kayak yang Joseph Campbell bilang, “You are that mystery which you are seeking to know.” Sekarang, lo pasti merasa hidup lo lebih berharga, kan? Selamat berpetualang sendirian!



*di publish di HGL House 2013

[interview] Sleep Party People


publish di Suave Magazine "Laugh Issue" 2012

photo by Jannick Boerlum (

Brian Batz, frontman, song writer dan musician asal Denmark yang berhasil menarik perhatian public dengan karyanya melalui project-nya bernama Sleep Party People. Music project yang bermain di arena electronic pop – shoegaze dengan karakter vocal yang sangat unik dengan menggunakan effect yang melahirkan ciri khas yang kuat. Banyak orang juga yang terbius dengan visual outfit Sleep Party People yang selalu menggunakan topeng kelinci, dan rasanya tampak sempurna perpaduan music, keunikan vocal dan outfit mereka yang membalut imajinasi yang indah, seperti dongeng sebelum tidur. Well, Suave berhasil interview Brian dan ngobrol seru tentang kesibukkan dia, Indonesia, dan tentu saja Sleep Party People. Enjoy! J   


Halo Brian, how you doing?

I'm doing pretty good, thanks. Enjoying the sweet, but cold and winter-ish life in Copenhagen.


Pretty nice! What is your current activity? 

I've just finished my second album and now I'm off to my birth island Bornholm to get some quality time with my family.


Seriously? Wow. Btw, lots of people listen and love your music here in Indonesia, what do you think about that? 

That's just really impressive and mind-blowing. To be completely honest I really can't believe it. It's soooo far away. Unbelievable and extremely heart-warming too. What can I say other than I love the internet and how it helps spread artists like me across the universe.


You’re the best! Can you tell us a little bit of your project 'sleep party people'?

Well it started in 2008 and the project wasn't really meant to be a serious project. In that specific time I just needed to write music and produce music on my own. You know without anyone interfering in the process. So I just started writing a lot of music in my spare time. Mostly in the night time. And after nearly a year I suddenly had a full-length album in my hand and then I decided to release it. I got in contact with Speed Of Sound (Danish label, my current label) and they wanted to release it. And to be completely honest I didn't expect anything to happen with the album, but surprisingly it got a lot of attention in Denmark and now it has grown too in the foreign countries. So I've been touring a lot since with my "live-bunnies", which are very good friends of mine. If you want me to explain what kind of music it is, I can't. You just have to listen to it. The only thing I can say is that it's a blend between very organic and digital soundscapes. Sorry ;) 


Haha ok, does the mask you wear on your performance has certain meaning? What's that about? 

No I just wanted to do something different visual-wise. I'm a bit shy as a person so I also feel more comfortable playing with a mask on when I'm singing. But it's really just to do something completely different. Not that I'm the only one who wears a mask on stage, but I'm the only one who wears a homemade bunny mask  with BIG bouncy ears. ;) But the idea came to me after I got the front cover for my album. You know the one where a little boy stands in a hallway with a bunny mask on. A bit weird, dark and David Lynch-ish :) I just love that picture and then it made perfect sense to bring it on stage as well. 


Yeah lovely picture! Hey, everyone interested and curious about your vocal, what's the story behind the using of that vocal character/effect?

When I started recording these songs I wasn't to happy about my own voice. Not that I can't sing, but I just don't have that kind of x-factor in my vocal sound like Bob Dylan, Elizabeth Fraser or Billie Holiday. So I wanted to do something different with my vocal so I created this sound to give a special and significant touch. And now I have the x-factor too ;)


Yeah! What is this project means to you? because mostly musicians has their own private meaning about their music. like, it's your home, it's your sanctuary, it's your stress relieve from your actual 9 to 5 job? or anything? 

It means everything to me. It has become a 7-8 hour a day kind of job, which I'm really happy about. This project is my little baby, my sanctuary and one the most holy thing in my life. The funny thing is that it sometimes can be the place where I find peace from all the stressful things in life, but it certainly also can be the place where I unfortunately sometimes gets a bit stressful. But hey, that's life and I'm not complaining at all. I love Sleep Party People. I feel privileged to be working full-time on this. 


What is it that you expect in Sleep Party People? Where are you taking this project to? 

I expect it to be funny at all time and that's really the most important thing. If the day comes where it's not enjoyable and funny I'll quit it and find something else to do. 


Hahaha. How's the creative process in making the music of Sleep Party People?

I write everything on my own and on the first album I've been doing everything by myself, but on the second album there are several people helping me out. I can play a lot of instruments, but I'm not some kind of genius, so when I needed strings, well-played drums, guest vocals I took contact to the people who plays with me live. And hopefully that gives it this live-feel on the album. But yeah I write everything on my own, but the live band helps me with a lot of things when we're playing live. They're a helping hand and without them I couldn't play these songs live. 


You sing like you're telling bedtime story, and some of the lyrics are hard to understand because you sing differently. What are your songs telling about? 

Well I sing mostly about personal issues and they're very close to me, so I love the fact that I can hide them a little bit for the listener and keep them to myself. I don't feel that comfortable sharing them with the listener, but I hope the listener can feel the same thing as I'm feeling when they hear the songs. Maybe it's like listening to Cocteau Twins or Sigur Rós? Their lyrics is also very hard to understand, but I still feel a lot when I hear their songs… Hopefully it's the same when people hear my songs. 


Yup! And what is the most unforgettable performance you've done? what happened? 

I think it has to be my very first performance with SPP. I was supporting The Antlers in Copenhagen and I was sooooo nervous. Actually I've never been that nervous before in my life. The show was sold out and the crowd was exceptional and when the concert was over I felt amazing. Never felt that alive before. 


Hahaha, and what is the most memorable thing your fans done to you?

I've been really lucky with my fans. They're very dedicated and kind to me. I keep getting things for free. Good things like music videos, remixes and small presents. I love my fans and without them I wouldn't be able to work on this full-time. I appreciate it with all of my heart. 


And of course, the interesting stories that happens on your tour? would you share some to us? 

Oh my… :) well a lot of crazy things happened on the recent European tour. Don't really know which things I should or should not mention, so I think for the love of of my fellow bunnies which were on the tour with me, that I should keep it to myself. Sorry :) But it's confidential stuff. 


Aaaaa! Okay, do you have plan to visit and perform in Indonesia? 

Actually we're working on that. I'm planning to play in Taiwan because I'm on White Wabbit Records and then maybe take the flights to Indonesia. I hope it'll all work out. Could be amazing playing there. Would absolutely love it! But the financial things should also be sorted out. 


Yes, please come to Indonesia! What do you know about Indonesia?

I don't know that much about Indonesia, but I've heard about it though. I know that you have a lot of small islands and that you produce coffee and rice. And that you have big mountains and maybe some of the most spectacular nature in the world. But that's pretty much it. That's why I would love to visit Indonesia :)


Yeah! You’re right! Okay, Brian, this is the last question. What is your future plan?

Well the new album will be released in Europe, Taiwan, USA, South America and Canada when we hit April, which I'm really proud of. After that I'm off touring in these countries. Yeah that's pretty much it. Looking forward to it. 




*dipublish di Suave Magazine "Laugh Issue" 2012

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